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SMITH, James Peter
17/04/1941 - 09/12/2019
Pastoralist, Entertainer, Gentleman
Passed away surrounded
by family
Will be greatly missed by many
and especially by his family:
Melissa, Andrew,
Jack, Edward
and Charlie Copper
Nick, Fiona,
Hamish and Millie Smith
A life well lived
The Funeral Service
Celebrating the Life of
James (Jim) will be
conducted on
December 14,
in the Florey Chapel,
Centennial Park
commencing at 2.30p.m
HACK, Russell Brenton
19.8.1960 - 6.11.2019
Loving husband of Nui
Cherished father of
Michelle, Rachel
and Matthew
Your memory we will
always treasure,
in our hearts you will
stay forever
The Funeral Service
Celebrating Russell's
Life will be conducted
November 13,
in the Florey Chapel,
Centennial Park
commencing at 2.30p.m