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BURROW, Joan Elizabeth
Passed away peacefully
on May 24, 2019
Aged 89 years.
Dearly loved wife of
John (deceased).
Much loved mother of
Graeme and Michael
and mother-in-law of
Janet and Vincent
Adored Nanna to
Sarah, Matthew and Thomas
Special sister and
sister-in-law to
Margaret and Peter
“Forever in our Hearts”
A Memorial Service for Joan
will be held on
FRIDAY, May 31
at 10.15a.m in the
Mawson Chapel,
Centennial Park
SADLER, Steven James
22/9/1967 – 15/5/2019
Father of Tiana
Always loved by Lisa
Much loved son of
Jim and Enid
Brother to
Carl and Lynn
Uncle Steve to many
“Ride free Grizz”
A Celebration of Steve’s
Life will be held on
MONDAY, May 27
at 2.15p.m in the
Acacia Chapel,
Enfield Memorial Park
SCHINELLA, Joseph (Papa Joe)
14/06/1952 - 06/05/2019
Left this life peacefully,
at home
Aged 66 years
Beloved husband of
Devoted father
and father in law of
Peppino and Nikki
Much loved son of
Lina and Joe(deceased)
Dear brother of
Pasquale, Sam(deceased),
Tina, Rocco and Michele
Adored brother in law and
uncle of their families
An honourable man,
Riposa in Pace
of Mr Joseph Schinella are
respectfully invited to attend
his Funeral Mass which will
be offered on MONDAY, May 20,
at 10.00a.m. in St. Francis
Xavier Cathedral, Wakefield Street,
No car parking is available
at the Cathedral, please allow
time to find alternate parking
Condolences will be received
by Joe’s family following
Funeral Mass and an
invitation to join for light lunch
is extended to all attending
in the Cathedral’s Hall,
and to be then followed by the
Committal Prayers at
Centennial Park Cemetery,
Catholic J Section
In lieu of flowers we ask
that you make a contribution
directly with the Catholic Mission
PO Box 1668, North Sydney,
NSW 2059
to help provide access to
clean water in third
world countries.
WARD, Gillian Pentland
(nee Montgomery)
Died peacefully on May 11, 2019
Aged 84 years.
Forever in our hearts and
deeply missed
by her loving husband
and loving family
Caroline and Mel,
Nick and Tahnya,
Grace and Flynn,
Isabella and Wendy.
of Gill are invited to attend
her Funeral Service and
Committal for Cremation
which will be conducted on
at 2.00p.m. in
St Oswald’s Anglican Church,
St Anns Place, Parkside.
WESTOVER, Robert (Bob) -
12/03/1938 – 28/04/2019
Beloved husband to Kathy
Loved father to Mandy
Belinda and Bones
Troy and Lynda
Pop to 7 grandchildren
and 7 great grandchildren
R.I.P forever in our hearts
The Funeral Service for Bob
will be conducted on
at 2.15 p.m in the
Acacia Chapel,
Enfield Memorial Park