"A Tradition of Personalised
Care and Dignity"
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Grief is the price we pay for Love and people need time to
mourn the loss of a loved one.
A funeral ceremony fills this need and provides people with
an important place to share in their grief.
No two lives are the same, no two funerals will be the same.
Funerals allow us to remember and celebrate a life lived and lets us acknowledge that your life mattered to us.
Funerals offer finality and understanding that loved ones
have died.
Sometimes we feel that by denying a loss or shielding our
families from it we can ease the hurt or stop the feeling of grief.
This isn't so, grief is hard, sometimes unbearable but certainly doesn't go away if we try to deny it happens.
All our significant life events are shared with others.
Birthdays and weddings provide an opportunity to come
together and share.
A Funeral does the same, it allows those who knew us
to show that our life mattered to them.
"A Funeral is not a fuss; it's saying goodbye
with dignity and purpose, a symbolism of
our love and a meaningful life event."
The Your Story booklet can be
downloaded from yourgoodbye.com